NAS backup fails with error: "Stale file handle"


Backup fails with the error: "Stale file handle" on a CentOS 7 appliance while performing a NAS backup via CiFS share.


Backup fails with the error: "Stale file handle" on a CentOS 7 appliance while performing a NAS backup via CiFS share.

ERRORS/WARNINGS encountered:
ctar: cannot open /mnt/nas/<Folder path>/<file name> because...Stale file handle



Uncomment and change /usr/bp/bpinit/master.ini setting from 2.0 to 1.0. Setting is in the [Configuration Options] section.

; CIFSmountOption=-overs=2.0    ; additional mount option for CIFS

New setting:

CIFSmountOption=-overs=1.0    ; additional mount option for CIFS


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