Backups fail on ForeFront Threat Management gateway (TGM) server


Clients with Forefront TMG will not register to a Unitrends backup appliance and will not back up if manually registered without client-side manual edits to the configuration, therefore, redirecting data ports for clients with ForeFront Threat Management Gateway servers is required.


Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG) is a Microsoft software firewall service.  Clients with Forefront TMG will not register to a Unitrends backup appliance and will not back up if manually registered without client-side manual edits to the configuration.


On the forefront system where a Unitrends agent is installed, the file C:\PCBP\master.ini needs to be edited:

1)   In the section [BProfessional]:

  • Locate the item Data=1745
  • Change the value to 1746.
2)   In Frorefront, ensure the following software rules are accommodated:
a.    Port 1743 incoming from backup appliance IP allowed
b.    Port 1743 outgoing to backup appliance IP allowed
c.    Port 1746 outgoing to backup appliance IP allowed.
These changes should allow successful registration to the Unitrends backup Appliance and backups should be successful. 



ForeFront TMG uses port 1745 for it’s operations.  This conflicts with Unitrends default data port for backups 


For more detailed information on backup failures and performance issues see Unitrends KB 5062 - Backup Failures and Performance Issues

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