How do I delete a client from the Unitrends system?


Explains how to delete a client.




Whether you use the old Legacy recoveryconsole or the new HTML5 ui, you must have the following completed BEFORE you attempt to delete a Protected Asset/Client:

  1. Remove the computer from any related Job schedules. If it is on its own schedule, delete the schedule.
  2. You must also remove the computer from any related Cold Backup Copy/Archiving Job schedule.

New HTML5 ui Administrative Interface: For details about deleting a client, see the following section of the Administrator Guide for Recovery Series and Unitrends Backup, then click on the top Managing agent-based assets, followed by the subtopic Removing an agent-based asset

Legacy recoveryconsole Administrative Interface: For details about deleting a client, see the following section of the Recovery-Series and UB Administrator’s Guide: To delete a client.


WARNING: When a Protected Asset/Client is deleted from the Unitrends system, all associated backups of that client are also deleted. Please use caution before deleting a client.

NOTE: Deleting the Protected Asset/Client does not delete the Cold (Archive) or Hot (Replicated) Backup Copies.

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