Explains how to delete a client.
Whether you use the old Legacy recoveryconsole or the new HTML5 ui, you must have the following completed BEFORE you attempt to delete a Protected Asset/Client:
- Remove the computer from any related Job schedules. If it is on its own schedule, delete the schedule.
- You must also remove the computer from any related Cold Backup Copy/Archiving Job schedule.
New HTML5 ui Administrative Interface: For details about deleting a client, see the following section of the Administrator Guide for Recovery Series and Unitrends Backup, then click on the top Managing agent-based assets, followed by the subtopic Removing an agent-based asset
Legacy recoveryconsole Administrative Interface: For details about deleting a client, see the following section of the Recovery-Series and UB Administrator’s Guide: To delete a client.
WARNING: When a Protected Asset/Client is deleted from the Unitrends system, all associated backups of that client are also deleted. Please use caution before deleting a client.
NOTE: Deleting the Protected Asset/Client does not delete the Cold (Archive) or Hot (Replicated) Backup Copies.