How do I restore backups from a client with an alias?


This article provides details about the proper way to restore a backup from a client with an alias.


When you perform a file-level restore from a client with aliases, it’s important to restore them in order.

When you are backing up an aliased client, you must decide whether to include or exclude the system state. You MUST include the system state on the client that contains the operating system volumes (this is typically the C: volume). For all other client aliases that do not include the OS volume, you should NOT include the system state. Only one client alias can include the system state. The restore fails if the system state is not included in the OS volume and if the system state is included in the client aliases that do not include the OS volume. For more information on excluding the system state, see Note about excluding the system state for client aliases in the Recovery-Series and UEB Administrator's Guide.


  1. Restore the client that contains the operating system volume. You MUST do this before you restore any additional aliased clients. Follow the steps to restore from the backup.
  2. Restore each aliased client. Follow the steps to restore from the backup.

For more information, see the Restore Overview and Restoring File-Level Backups chapters in the Recovery-Series and UEB Administrator's Guide.



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