Unable to find the option to Exclude SystemState in Settings > Edit > Advanced for a backup job
When creating a new backup job for a Windows client, the systemstate exclude checkbox is visible on the advanced tab in the job wizard. However, after editing include/exclude lists this box disappears, and, is also not available when re-editing the job later.
This issue was identified in release 10.1.0 specifically due to a problem passing through the specific windows OS version to this dialog to display or hide this box.
This issue was addressed in part in release 10.1.1-3 and is formally fixed in release 10.2.0.
Please upgrade your appliance to release 10.2.0 or higher to resolve this issue.
If you are unable to update to release 10.2.0+ to resolve this issue, there are 2 alternatives:
1: follow Excluding System State in a Schedule to use the command line to manually edit the schedule configuration
2: delete the job and re-create it, ensuring you set the system state option before modifying any other include/exclude features.
Not seeing release 10.2.0 or higher available to update to? See this KB: 6303