Backups fails with message "Timed out waiting 3 minutes to Retry"


This article addresses how to resolve when a backup or restore job fails with the message “Timed out waiting 3 minutes to Retry, and a reboot of the client does not resolve the issue.


The root cause of a backup or restore failure could be either network related or port 1743 is locked down.





To resolve this issue, complete the following procedure:

  1. Restart the BPAgent service.
  2. Verify that the Unitrends system responds to a ping issued from the client command line.
  3. Verify that the client responds to a ping issued from the backup system; if the client does not respond to the ping command, allow incoming echo request (ping) with Windows Firewall.
  4. Add port 1743, 1744, 1745 into Windows Firewall exception list.
  5. Add the wbpr.exe, wbps.exe ,ssb.exe, and bpnetb.exe programs to the Windows Firewall exception list.
  6. Adjust to use a dynamic data port in C:\PCBP\master.ini by changing the line “data=1745” to “data=1744”. For example,

Additional informaion

Microsoft Windows Server Help: Windows Firewall How To...



For more detailed information on backup failures and performance issues see Unitrends KB 5062 - Backup Failures and Performance Issues.

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