Windows Server Port Reservation


If backups fail because windows client ports are blocked, this article explains how to make port reservations on windows.




Set a Port reservation on Windows Server

Applies To

Appliance release 6.1+ and Windows 2000/2003 OS. 

Note, to reserve ports in windows 2008 a hotfix for windows may be required and the process differs, see for more information.  



Ports are being blocked on 1743 and or 1745 because they are in use by another application other than Unitrend



Microsoft states that the registry setting ReservedPorts are not implemented in Windows Vista, Windows 2008 and later operating systems.  You may want to review the Microsoft Documentation titled The default dynamic port range for TCP/IP has changed in Windows Vista and in Windows Server 2008 or contact the vendor of the application that is using those ports to discuss how to change them instead, Unitrends Support will be unable to assist with that process.  


  1. Open an administrator command prompt and run a netstat command
    netstat –ano | find “:1743”
    netstat –ano | find “:1745”
  2. Check the PID and make sure that the process that is running is Unitrends BPNETD or WBPS.

  3. Follow the instructions in the Microsoft Article titled "Reserve a range of ephemeral ports - Windows Server"
    This sums up the steps for Windows XP/20003:
    • Open regedit, and find this key:
    • If the DWORD ReservedPorts does not exist for the ports, then create it.
    • Add 1743-1743 and 1745-1745 (or the range of 1743-1749 which is the range we use)
    (NOTE: You must type the range of ports in the following format: xxxx-yyyy. To specify a single port, use the same value for x and y. For example, to specify port 4000, type 4000-4000.)

  4. Reboot the system to have the port reservation take effect. 



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