How to find Unitrends agent logs related to SharePoint backup or restore (spbackup.log and sprestore.log)


How to find Unitrends agent logs related to SharePoint backup or restore (spbackup.log and sprestore.log)



How to find Unitrend's agent logs related to SharePoint backup or restore (spbackup.log and sprestore.log).


Troubleshooting SharePoint backup or restore.


After a SharePoint backup or restore job is finished, spbackup.log or sprestore.log will be deleted from the share and saved along with the backup. The backup summary will show only the last 25 lines from the SharePoint log file.


Unitrends agent saves last 24 ‘spbackup.logs’ under C:\PCBP\Catalog.dir\Rae directory. The name of the file
          If job failed:     Stderr_MM_DD_MM.txt

          If job succeed: Stdout_MM_DD_MM.txt

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