Auto-excluded items in a Windows file backup
Describe files automatically excluded when performing a file backup of a Windows system.Description
directory specified by : HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows Search\DataDirectory
directory specified by : HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows Search\DefaultDataDirectory
In the profile directories specfied by the registry key:
“HKLM\Software\Microsofit\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\*\ProfileImagePath\” (example: c:\users\ksmith)
The exclude the following directories:
\Local Settings\Temp
\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files
Files in Exchange database/log directories
Files in SQL database/log directories
** SQL system databases are still included in a file-level backup to facilitate Windows Instant Recovery
?:\System Volume Information
Files specified by the subkeys in : HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\BackupRestore\FilesNotToBackup
If common *.tmp and *.temp files or temp folders must be included in a backup (rare, files needed for protection should not be in tmp folders as they are subject to automatic windows deletion) the following tag can be manually added to the file C:/PCBP/MASTER.INI
ExclTempFiles=NO ;Default YES,True
This setting overrides the backup client default behavior and will then NOT exclude the following objects:
This setting will NOT include files that are part of windows registry exclusions noted above, it may be necessary to also edit the windows registry.
It will be necessary to manually exclude some data that would otherwise have been auto excluded after using this setting. This setting may be removed by future agent updates and shoudl be re-validated after upgrading the agent.