Windows Hot Bare Metal backups failing


Windows Hot Bare Metal backups failing



Hot Bare Metal Summary


DiskNumber.....: -1




Status.........: Failed



Misc error

Exit Code......: 2

Exit Status....: Misc error

----- Client Messages -----

For more detailed information on backup failures and performance issues see Unitrends KB 5062 - Backup Failures and Performance Issues.


1)   Use Windows integrated bare metal recovery (release 7.4 and higher).  This feature enables you to recover a client from a file-level back up.  It provides hot bare metal protection, and it supports Windows clients with GPT disks.  For details, see the Unitrends Administrator's Guide section Windows integrated bare metal recovery.

2)   Use Windows Instant Recovery. This feature enables you to create a virtual failover client on a Recovery-Series appliance or ESX host (release 7.4 or higher).  For details, see the Unitrends Administrator's Guide chapter Windows Instant Recovery.


The most likely cause is that the partition style of the disk is setup for GPT/GUID.  Currently Hot Bare Metal backup is not supported for disks partitioned with GPT/GUID.  The cause could also be attributed to the disk having a FAT32 filesystem.  This is also not a supported configuraton for Hot Bare Metal.

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