Testing AuthManager RADIUS Communication

This portion assumes that you have successfully installed the RADIUS client on a host machine via this article and have added the Client IP Address of the hosting computer to test the local response of the client.

  1. Browse to C:\Program Files\Kaseya\PasslyRadius
  2. Open a Command prompt in this location and choose the “PasslyRadiusTest.exe” 
  3. in the Cmd window add the following:
    1. C:\Program Files\Kaseya\PasslyRadius\PasslyRadiusTest.exe <IPAddress> <Shared Secret> <Username> <Password,one time password>

      Note: Enter the correct information that pertains to each of the items in the ” < > “. You must have a user configured and the Shared Secret is the one that was setup during the Client creation.
  4. Once the information has been entered, execute the program and you should receive a message that either you succeeded or failed against MFA authentication.

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