AuthAnvil Legacy Windows Credential Provider Install Guide

The AuthAnvil Two Factor Auth Windows Credential Provider  offers companies the ability to add strong two-factor authentication to Microsoft’s Windows client and server operating systems. It provides a simple and consistent logon experience no matter if they logon at the local desktop or through a terminal session. And it offers identity assurance by requiring users to provide their AuthAnvil Two Factor Auth passcode during the logon process.

Note: This guide is only applicable for the following installers 



Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 redistribution package. This update can be downloaded here.

Microsoft .NET v4.6.1. This update can be downloaded here.


Supported Platforms

The AuthAnvil Two Factor Auth Windows Credential Provider is available for the following platforms:

  • Windows 7Pro (32bit, 64bit)
  • Windows 7Ult (32bit, 64bit)
  • Windows 8Ult (32bit, 64bit)
  • Windows 8.1Ent (32bit, 64bit)
  • Windows 10Pro (32bit, 64bit)
  • Windows 10Ent (32bit, 64bit)
  • Windows Server 2008
  • Windows Server 2008r2
  • Windows SBS 2011 
  • Windows Server 2012
  • Windows Server 2012r2

The installers can be downloaded here.
There are now separate 32 bit and 64 bit installers.

Once downloaded. Run the MSI installer.

Note: A reboot of the machine may be required for the logon prompt to be displayed

Note: You can run not run an MSI elevated, however you can run an MSI from an elevated command prompt.

Select Next.

Accept the Terms of use and select Next.

Update the SAS URL to reflect your Passly tenant. For example if my tenant was 
The SAS URL would be
Site ID= 1 

Once you have the correct SAS URL select Next.

Set the Override Group and Override password.
Note: This Override Group will need to be manually created in Active Directory or locally for stand alone machines.
Note: Always set an override Password to prevent errors during installation and testing. This password can be changed later as well.

Select Next once the Override settings are set.

Select Install to complete the setup. 

Once the system is reboot you should now see a Windows Logon prompt including an AuthAnvil passcode prompt.

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