How to perform an on-demand backup

In addition to the daily automated backups Spanning runs to protect your data, an on-demand backup can be initiated whenever you like. To perform an on-demand backup, follow these steps:

  1. Log into Spanning Backup for Google Workspace as an admin user.
  2. Click Users.
  3. Locate the user whose data you want to back up. Click the user's ellipses icon and select Impersonate.

  4. On the Users page, click Back Up Now.
  5. Check boxes to select what to back up (Gmail, Calendars, Sites, Drive, or Contacts).
  6. Click Go.

  7. On-demand backups are added to the queue.

  8. Repeat this procedure as needed to run on-demand backups for other users.

    Note that there is no option to do on-demand backups for everyone in the domain in one operation. You have to go into each account to perform on-demand backups per user.  Drive backups include Team Drives content if Team Drives backup is enabled in Spanning.

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