How do I bill using Time and Materials in BMS?
Time and Materials is the default billing method in BMS.
You set up your default Roles with Rates and apply them to your employees in the BMS
If you want to charge a customer different rates for the labor hours on support tickets (adding time) and project tasks, you don’t need to create additional roles, at the time of entering the time just select the corresponding role with the desired rate as you can have multiples roles within the same contract. You can adjust the default Roles and Rates on a per-contract basis.
You need the following elements in the system in order to bill for the work you do for your clients with this billing method:
- Accounts
- Employees
- Roles with defined rates (Assign these roles to the employees in the system)
- New Time and Material Contract (Created in the Finance Module > Contracts)
1. Account
You need to enter your Clients in the CRM. A client is another name for a customer. The following fields are required:
- Account Name
- Account Type = Client
- Business Type - General comes with system, you can add what you want
- Account Manager (one of your employees or users in the BMS)
NOTE - Enter the Address and Billing Address for the Client
Add at least one Contact person for the Client
2. Employees
These are the resources or people that you are assigning Tickets and Project Tasks to. You enter your employees in the HR Module > Employees Folder > New
3. Roles with defined rates
- Role – A description of the “Role” the employee was playing when working on the Ticket or Task.
- The Role has a Rate tied to it that determines how much is billed for that Labor (Examples – Consultant - $150 per hr. Sr Technician - $100 per hr. Engineer - $125 per hr.)
- Assign Role(s) to Employee
- To assign Roles to an employee, go to HR Module > Employees Folder > open an employee profile and find the EMPLOYEE ROLES tab along the top
- Select the Roles you want this employee to have and click on the SAVE button on the upper left of screen (Note – you can assign multiple Roles to an employee)
- When that employee enters TIME on a Ticket or Task, they can select the Role and BILL the appropriate rate for that labor (Advanced – a role can be locked down when assigning a ticket or task to the employee)
4. New Time and Materials Contract
To create a New Time and Materials Contract go to… Finance Module > Contracts Folder > Click on New > Time and Materials
- Give your Contract a Name * – (Maybe customer name and type)
- Contract Description - Give an easy to understand description of contract
- Client - Select from drop-down which client you are creating contract for *
- Enter Start Date and End Date of contract *
- If you are using Service Level Agreements, you can tie an SLA to this contract
- If you use Reference Numbers, enter in space provided
- You can set the contract to be Default by selecting radio button
(Means – when you open tickets, the time entries are governed by this contract)
Click on the SAVE button (upper Left)
* Required
Bottom half of screen go to the Billing Information Tab
- You will see your Default Roles and Billing Rates displayed
- You enter you NEW rate in the far right column labeled CONTRACT BILLING RATE
Don’t Forget to hit the ACTIVATE button along the top of the screen