Date Feb. 6, 2024
This release includes new features and defect fixes.
New Features
IT Complete – Integrations – Support for KaseyaOne SAML iDP - SP-Init Redirect added.
KaseyaOne has recently enabled the ability to support 3rd party iDP SAML access. We are pleased to announce that Passly can now be configured as an iDP supporting an SP-Init Redirected login.
- In Passly you can now enable an application in the SSO Manager that will allow Passly to act as an iDP for KaseyaOne. You will now notice a new button in the KaseyaOne tab to disable the K1 login. This is required if you wish to use Passly as an iDP for KaseyaOne.
- Please see this article for more information.
Login with KaseyaOne
- This feature will disable the Login with KaseyaOne page. This step is required if you wish to setup Passly in the SSO Manager as an Identity Provider for KaseyaOne. Using Passly as an Identify Provider allows users to login into KaseyaOne or Passly using their Passly credentials.
- When you enable the SAML support for KaseyaOne it will Disable the “Login with KaseyaOne” button for all Passly Logins. All KaseyaOne logins will be redirected to Passly.
- Note: You can’t simultaneously enable the Login with KaseyaOne button & SAML iDP support for KaseyaOne. This is an either-or scenario.
Defect fixes
Policy Manager – Authentication Policies – An additional issue occurred where the “Else” condition could not be removed from an authentication policy. This issue has been resolved at the backend. No customer action is required.