Release Notes for Recovery Series, Recovery Max, ION/ION+, and Unitrends Backup 10.7.10

This document describes enhancements and fixes introduced in the 10.7.10 release. For upgrade instructions and considerations, reference the Upgrade Guide for Recovery Series, Recovery MAX, ION/ION+, and Unitrends Backup.


Rebooting the Unitrends appliance is recommended upon upgrading to this release.


New appliance network requirement

Port 443 is now required to update backup and backup components. Be sure to add the port, protocol, and rule as described in the following table before upgrading to release 10.7.10:

Task Port, Protocol, and Rule Hostname and IP Address Notes
Backup and backup copy operations

443/HTTPS Outbound from the Unitrends appliance

A secure docker container registry required to update backup and backup copy components.
Product Updates

443/HTTPS Outbound from the Unitrends appliance

22/SFTP Outbound from the Unitrends appliance is used by the Unitrends appliance to perform software updates. is used by Support to install patches and updates.

Remote Support

443/HTTPS Outbound from the Unitrends appliance

Used for opening a remote tunnel to the Unitrends support team.

161/UDP Outbound from the Unitrends appliance

161/TCP Outbound from the Unitrends appliance

162/UDP Outbound from the Unitrends appliance

162/TCP Outbound from the Unitrends appliance

Used for SNMP trap collection for all proactive monitoring.


Security updates

Applied appliance security updates.


Windows agent

This release includes an updated Windows agent. The 10.7.10 agent is recommended for most 64-bit Windows assets and is required for Windows agent fixes in this release.


The table below lists fixes included in this release. 

Component   Fix
password reset
from the Console
  • Fixed an issue where users had to confirm the new password multiple times.
Cold backup copy
  • Fixed an issue with importing a large cold copy from a NAS target.
File-level recovery
  • On Gen 10 Recovery Series appliances, the full CIFS path now displays on the File Level Recovery tab.
Recover NAS CIFS
and NFS backups
  • For recovery procedures, you must specify the target recovery location by selecting an asset and entering the full directory path where files will be recovered. To accommodate longer pathnames, you can now enter up to 256 characters for this directory path.
Recovery assurance
  • Fixed an issue where instant recovery failed in cases where local access to the appliance was blocked through the UniView Block Local Access setting.
Recover Windows
  • Instant recovery and file-level recovery – Fixed an issue with handling 4096 sector drives in Windows image-level backups that could cause these recovery operations to fail.
UniView Portal
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent an asset's backup history from displaying in the UniView Portal.
Windows agent
  • Oracle backups – Fixed a timing issue that could cause Oracle backups to fail.


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