Passly Browser Extension 7.4.4 - Release Notes

The Passly SSO Sign-On Assistant browser extension is available for Chrome, Edge (Chromium Core) & Firefox. The Extension/Add-On will automatically update. No user action is required for the following changes.

Date July 28th 2023 

This release includes defect fixes:

  • Firefox - An issue occurred where visiting a new website the extension did not prompt to save the credentials. This issue is resolved now.
  • Credential Injection -  An issue occurred where the extension did not inject the credentials correctly. The exension will now correctly allow the following. 

    In Passly Browser Extension → My Password → Password Record when User clicks on web URL:

    1. Website is opened;

    2. Credentials from this Password Record are injected.

  • Credential Injection -  An issue occurred where the extension did not allow users to correctly select the injection credentials. Users are now able to inject the selected credentials from the list of multiple credentials available for particular website.

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