Passly 7.4.5 - Release Notes

Date August 9th 2023

This release includes adjustment, new designs and defect fixes.


  • API Changes - We have updated our API so that internal Kaseya teams can now more efficiently create Passly tenants.
  • Password Manager - We have finally added static Rows to the Vault Table allowing Admins to easy see a count of their Vaults in the interface. 


  • User Experience - Dropdown lists were not sorted. There was several places where dropdowns did not list in logical order. These list now all display in alphabetical order. 
    Users should now only see the Reset button when requesting a password reset. 

Defect fixes 

  • Directory Manager > Users - Deleting User failed. An issue occurred where you could not delete a user in Passly if they also existed in KaseyaOne.
    This issue is resolved and both user accounts are no longer blocked from being removed their respective tool.
  • Directory Manager > Users - When selecting "Expire" on a user the password was not actually being triggered to be changed.

    Clicking the "Expire" now shows the expired message with date and time.

    Once the password is expired end-users can now try to login to Passly with old password and they will be prompted to set up a new password.

    If Admin wants to reset a users password select "reset" and set a password. Enable "Require password change at next sign in" if you want end-user to change their password after login.

  • Directory Manager > User Alerts - An issue occurred where users were receiving an alert that did not contain any useful information. 
    We have corrected the alert and now Users will see a message as follows.
  • Directory Manager > Directory Sync - An issue occurred where a user resetting their Active Directory Password outside of Passly could not use that same password in Passly.  This issue was corrected and changed passwords in AD will sync to Passly again. This was a back-end fix. 
  • SSO Manager > Office 365 > Microsoft 365 -  An issue occurs where if you try to connect Passly with legacy browsers showing an error like the following.
    Users will now see a
     redirected error "This add-in won't run in your version of Office. Please upgrade either to perpetual Office 2021 or to a Microsoft 365 account."
    Note: This will only occur if you are not using a perpetual Office 2021 or Microsoft 365 account. 
  • SSO Manager > Office 365 - An issue occurred during app creation where the message “Issuer is Invalid” is appeared right after federation

    The problem with the issuer has been resolved and new apps should create without any issues. This was fixed on the backend.

  • License Manager > License Allocation - In a recent release an unintentional change was made to stop showing tenant admins their total license count in the module. This has been corrected and returned to the User interface to display your total premium seat count for assigned and allocated. 
  • Policy Manager > Authentication Policy > An issue occurred here users were not prompted for Username/Password on cached browser session. The users were still prompted for 2FA so no unauthorized access occurred. This issue is resolved and if the session times out the user will be prompted for username/password and the token will no longer cache. 


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