Passly 7.4.4 - Release Notes

Date July 5th 2023

This release includes adjustment, new designs and defect fixes.


Authentication Policy

Authentication Policies now have a new flow.

Main changes:

  1. Else statement became mandatory;
  2. More specific conditions should be set firstly, more general conditions - secondly. Otherwise, specific conditions will not be applied on a User.

Note: Old Policies are supported, but we recommend to change them using Authentication Policies Guide.

Email Templates

We implemented new Email Templates. Our Emails have more concise and constructive content format, which also are supported on mobile devices.

Besides that we added reset password functionality to "AD Password Change" email to make is more security compliant.

New Policy Manager documentation



To comply with general Design Kaseya Recommendations we made some changes:

  1. Rename “Filter by“ to “Search by“;
  2. Re-designed Notification table;
  3. Rename section to “Video Tutorials“;
  4. Tabs are now left align.

Defect fixes 

SSO Manager

  1. Due to sooner deprecation of Microsoft Online we no longer supported creation of multiple Office 365 Applications through this option. To set up another Office 365 Application Customers need to use Microsoft Graph instead.
  2. We had a bug when federated domain is changed for Application, Users still have same Application Sync Source and aren't synchronized properly. We fixed it and now changing a domain will disconnect Users and Groups from the previous domain.

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