How to get a bearer token for the MSP portal API

The API uses OAuth 2.0 client_credentials flow for authentication and the OIDC protocol is supported.

Auth-related endpoints can be discovered through

Superusers will need to generate client_id and client_secret to be used for authentication, which can be created in the portal UI.

Obtain client_id and client_secret from the MSP portal ( via Settings -> Public APIs -> New:

To get an access token use the below API endpoint.


Using the body as follows:

Key Value
grant_type client_credentials
client_id <client id obtained from MSP portal>
username <client secret obtained from the MSP portal>

Here is an example of the authentication request:

POST /connect/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Here's an example of the access_token that will be used for further API request created from above:

GET /v1/customers HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <YOUR ACCESS_TOKEN HERE>

For more information, please review the public API documentation that can be found on


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