Unitrends Backup Portal Agent/Proxy Troubleshooting

Backup Portal Agent Troubleshooting

The Backup Portal agent released in 2019 works off of Docker, which creates containers that the agent runs in independently.

As of Backup Portal Agent 3.x docker images have been consolidated to appliance-agent


To determine if the Unitrends Backup Portal agent is online, you can run: "docker ps".  Example below:

[root@UnitrendsMSP-608-800-50006 ~]# docker ps
b6e8e5106144 kaseya/appliance-agent:stable.28.707b7d4 "dotnet ApplianceA..." 2 weeks ago Up 29 minutes appliance-agent
85bde26efa48 repo.unitrends.com/unitrends/repqueuer:10.5.1-1 "./repqueuer" 2 weeks ago Up 29 minutes repqueuer


To pull logs , we can leverage Docker's log command: docker logs container-name.  In this instance, we run a "--tail 5" flag on show the last 5 lines:

[root@UnitrendsMSP-608-800-50006 ~]# docker logs --tail 5 appliance-agent
at ApplianceAgent.Api.Common.ApiClientBase.MakeRequestAsync(String uri, HttpMethod method, NameValueCollection query, NameValueCollection headers, HttpContent body) in /src/ApplianceAgent.Api.Common/ApiClientBase.cs:line 70
at ApplianceAgent.Api.Common.ApiClientBase.Get[T](String uri, NameValueCollection query, NameValueCollection headers) in /src/ApplianceAgent.Api.Common/ApiClientBase.cs:line 31
at ApplianceAgent.PortalApi.Tasks.TasksApiClient.Get(String assetTag) in /src/ApplianceAgent.PortalApi/Tasks/TasksApiClient.cs:line 31
at ApplianceAgent.Jobs.DataCollector.Tasks.TasksJob.ExecuteAsync() in /src/ApplianceAgent/Jobs/DataCollector/Tasks/TasksJob.cs:line 44
at ApplianceAgent.Jobs.JobWrapper`1.ExecuteAsync() in /src/ApplianceAgent/Jobs/JobWrapper.cs:line 32

To pull AppID and Version of agent for Development

[root@UnitrendsMSP-608-800-50006 ~]# cat /usr/utmsp/version.json
    "Version":  "2.0.20",
    "Date":  "20190206124418"
[root@UnitrendsMSP-608-800-50006 ~]# cat /usr/utmsp/output/reggen.json
{"Ccid":"f4eb1510-ee60-41bb-86e5-dd7dc855fb08","AppId":"3ad99b2bf55144a3bdc63133c86cb0fa","Secret":"28d53e7ce81144c4be203fbbe6192c07a31a730e157a43b7901e76111d547be2"}[root@GSI-UMSP8012 utmsp]#

To restart the Unitrends Backup Portal agent in full:

[root@UnitrendsMSP-608-800-50006 ~]# /usr/utmsp/start.sh
root: Agent - Starting services
root: Agent - Starting Agent
root: Agent - Msp process is running

Running "docker ps" after this command will show the agent being restarted

[root@UnitrendsMSP-608-800-50006 ~]# docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                             COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
b6e8e5106144 kaseya/appliance-agent:stable.28.707b7d4 "dotnet ApplianceA..." 2 weeks ago Up 31 minutes appliance-agent
85bde26efa48 repo.unitrends.com/unitrends/repqueuer:10.5.1-1 "./repqueuer" 2 weeks ago Up 31 minutes repqueuer

To restart either the collector or the proxy agent individually, run the following commands, replacing the container name with the container requiring restart:

[root@UnitrendsMSP-608-800-50006 ~]# docker restart appliance-agent

Running "docker ps" after this command will show the agent being restarted

[root@UnitrendsMSP-608-800-50006 ~]# docker ps
b6e8e5106144 kaseya/appliance-agent:stable.28.707b7d4 "dotnet ApplianceA..." 2 weeks ago Up 29 seconds appliance-agent
85bde26efa48 repo.unitrends.com/unitrends/repqueuer:10.5.1-1 "./repqueuer" 2 weeks ago Up 32 minutes repqueuer

On error 400 Bad Request, uninstall/reinstall agent per below: 

[root@UnitrendsMSP-608-800-50006 ~]# docker logs --tail 5 appliance-collector-unitrends
time="2019-04-16T16:21:58Z" level=error msg="400 Bad Request" time="2019-04-16T16:21:58Z" level=error msg="400 Bad Request"

Uninstall agent, remove appliance from Unitrends Backup Portal and re-add

sudo /usr/utmsp/uninstall.sh

Unitrends Backup Portal: Remove appliance

Unitrends Backup Portal: How to add a new Unitrends Asset

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