Hot Copy (replication) jobs not running after 10.4 update


After upgrading, some appliances may experience hot copy (replication) jobs stop processing.


Replication is not queuing jobs after upgrading.  


Verify repqueuer is not running:
connect to the appliance via SSH using the root OS user and secure password.  

> repqueuer_ctl status
results will indicate either it is running (in which case your issue lies elsewhere) or that it is not (likely this issue)

>repqueuer_ctl pull
results may indicate package not available or not found.  If this indicated "image already present" then this KB is not your issue.  

Assuming image was not found, this confirms the issue is that the appliance is unable to access on port 443.  

Port 443 must be opened outgoing between the unitrends appliance and  This requirement allows updates to release 10.4+. If an appliance is air gapped, follow the air gap update process How to upgrade the appliance via Unitrends' media (Air Gap updates / Offline updates).   

Once the port is confirmed open, rerun repqueuer_ctl pull which will install the packages needed for 10.4 replication.   
After installation, it may be necessary to run repqueuer_ctl start to launch the service.  

After installation, ensure repqueuer_ctl status shows "repqueuer is running"  replication will begin queuing after this point once backups pending replication are analyzed, which may take several minutes.  

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