Can I change the time of a specific backup type already on a schedule?


Can I change the time of a specific backup type already on a schedule?


Yes, you can change the time of a specific backup type already on the schedule. This can be done in both the Enterprise Backup subsystem, where you will have multiple clients on a schedule, and also on the Computer Backup subsytem where you have a single client on a schedule.

To change the backup time in the Enterprise Backup subsystem, select the client, select the Backup tab from the main menu, and then the calendars tab at the top of the center stage. Once you have selected the Calendars tab, you will see a list of all saved calendars, select the one you wish to modify, then select view/modify at the bottom of the page. The monthly calendar view displays, and this is where you double click on the specific backup type in which you wish to modify. Once you have double clicked on the specific backup type, the Modify Backup box displays and provides the option to change the time of that backup.

To change the backup time within the Computer Backup subsystem, select the client, select the Backup tab from the main menu, then the Schedule Backup tab above the center stage. You then see an arrow for a drop down menu under Schedule Name with all saved schedules. This is where you select the schedule you wish to change. Once the schedule is displayed under Schedule Name, click the calendar icon in the Custom Strategy box, this shows you the monthly calendar view. You can then double click on the backup type you wish to change, the Modify Backup box displays and provides the option to change the time of that backup.

For more information see, To view or modify a calendar in the Recovery-Series and UEB Administrator's Guide.

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