Are universal rails provided with rack mount appliances?


This answer differs by system Generation.  

Current Generations:  All Generation 9 and 10  Rack Mountable appliances ship with included Rail Kits for standard racks.  Alternate Rail Kits are available for Full Rack Depth Gen 9 and 10 appliances as noted in the chart below.  All optional rail systems for Generation 9 and 10 appliances can be acquired directly from Dell or Dell resellers and are not stocked by Unitrends/Kaseya.  

Desktop Models ION and ION Plus as well as 10002 do not come with or support rails

Half Rack Generation 9 and 10 systems

These units come with Dell A4 static rails compatible with center mount 2 post racks or standard 4 post

1U Max9S Series systems

These units come with Dell A8 Sstatic rail kits for 2 and 4 post racks similar to half rack units.  

1U Full Rack Depth Gen 9 and 10

These systems come with Dell A11 Stab-in sliding Ready Rails for 4 post standard racks.  

2U Systems Gen 9

These systems come with Dell B6 Stab-in Sliding Ready Rails for 4 post standard racks.  

2U Systems Gen 10

These systems come with new B21 ReadyRail II kits for 4 post standard rack.  

For more information about racking requirements for Generation 9 systems, locate the current Site Preparation Guide on our Documentation Site.  


Generation 7 and 8:  

Half Rack Class: (6xx or 8002-8012)

These systems do not come with rail kits.  These appliances mount to racks using the included rack "ears" and should be stabilized on a rack shelf.  An optional traditional rail kit is available from SuperMicro and can be purchased through numerous vendors, but is not carried by Unitrends.  

Full Rack Class (1U or larger) and and MAX appliances

These come with standard depth square-hole standard rack rails.  These rail kits are compatible with universal 4 post square-hole racks of expected depths.  Alternative rail kits to conform to racks that do not meet the stated mounting requirements conveyed in the 10.0 edition of the site preparation guide may be available from SuperMicro directly for some chassis models for additional purchase from 3rd party.   


RXDA Archive Chassis:

legacy eSATA RXDA comes with rail kit.  There are no optional kits for this unit. 

late 2022 and Gen 10 SAS RXDA does not come with rails and can be mounted by ears. Unitrends does not sell the kit, but customers uncomfortable with ear mounting can buy a kit here


Rail Kit Instructional links
Dell Static 2 and 4 post rail installation PDF.

Dell Sliding Rails for 4 post installation PDF.



Optional Rail Kits by Chassis model for Generation 7, 8, 9, 10, and MAX appliances:  

Note: These are not carried by Unitrends, this information is provided fur customer convenience only.  Rails listed are noted by the chassis manufacturer as optional compatible equipment.  These typically provide support for alternative depth 4 post square hole racks.  


Recovery 9002-9008 and 10004-10012

Included A4 Rail kit is the only option for this model from Dell

Cable management arm not available.  

Recovery 9016S-9024S and 10016-10024

Included A11 Rail Kit. Other option: 

Dell A8 Static Rail Kit for 2 and 4 post racks
Also optional cable management kit for A11 kit

Recovery 9032S-9120S

Included B6 Rail Kit.  Other options:

Dell B4 Static Rail kit for 2 and 4 post racks


Dell B13 Drop-In style Ready Rails
Also optional cable management kit for B6/B13

Recovery 10032 - 10120

Included B21 Rail Kit.  Other Options:

Dell B20 static rails for 2 and 4 post mounting

Dell B22 Generic Toolless sliding rails for 4 post mount
Also optional cable management arms for B21/22 are available

Recovery MAX/UMSP

Included rails are the only option.  


Included A8 Static rails for 2 and 4 post mount

Optional A12 sliding RadyRail 2 4 post kit

Also optional cable management arm for A12 kit


No Rails included from Unitrends

Supermicro, P/N (CSE-PT8L), 13.1” to 33.1” optional

Recovery- 814S/818S
Supermicro, P/N (MCP-290-00056-0N) 19” to 26.4” (Square hole) is the only alternative kit
R8024S - R8120S
Supermicro, P/N (MCP-290-00058-0N) 

short rail set 19.6” to 26.9” is the only alternative kit

Recovery – 938S

Included rail kit is the only option


Supermicro, P/N (MCP-290-00058-0N) is the only alternative kit

If you are unable to locate suitable rails for your 3rd party rack:  You may use a certified/approved rack shelf rated for not less than the Unitrends Appliance listed weight support designed for your non-standard rack.  

Warning:  Do not stack other equipment or servers on top of a mounted Unitrends appliance, the rails are rated ONLY for the listed weight of the appliance and must not support additional equipment placed above.    

Proper server racking instructions for heat dissipation as well as easy ability to slide forward and remove covers from systems for maintenance assume each system will be racked such that there is 1u of free space above and below each system.  Placing systems directly in contact on rails above Unitrends Appliances would result in a necessity to de-rack the unit for internal service.  Systems mounted with static rails or shelves may be best with additional vertical space above as they cannot slide forward.  

For older generation appliances, see the Site preparation Guide that was shipped with your appliance release and reference the Chassis Number for your model.  If you cannot locate this guide or have an older chassis not listed here covered by an active support contract, please contact Unitrends support and we can look that information up for you.  Again, Unitrends does not directly sell alternate rail kits, you will need to contact a 3rd party reseller to acquire those components.  


Rail Kit Warranty:  Rail kits, as with other boxed accessories not contained within the chassis of the Unitrends Appliance, are not covered by any warranty from Dell services, Unitrends, or Kaseya for Generation 9/10 systems.  These items are considered free accessories and are not part of the licensed unit's terms. Out-of-box damage to individual components is covered by Dell and will usually result in entire unit replacement if there is any damage to items inside the shipping container.  If rail kits are damaged on initial receipt, customers will be expected to assist Unitrends in providing suitable evidence to the shipper in a timely fashion to file a shipping damage claim and Unitrends will replace at its option the entire server system and not components individually.  Unitrends does not stock rail kits separately from new server chassis systems and therefore cannot send replacement kits on their own.  No physical damage to rail kits is provided of any kind of warranty other than damage caused in initial product shipping confirmed within the timeframes required by the shipper to file such claims (usually 24 hours from receipt).  We strongly encourage our customers to open and inspect package contents and verify unit functions within 1 day of accepting delivery as we cannot warranty system damage outside that period.  Rail kits are fragile and care must be taken using a minimum of 2 persons to safely rack a sever unit without causing damage to the rails.  Damage incurred when attempting to assemble or install the kit is NOT covered.  Customers will be responsible for acquire replacements through authorized dell retailers or dell's sales website for any damaged kits other than damage occurring in shipping and filed within the carrier's claims period.  


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