Unable to perform backup operation, detecting that SQL Server VSS Writer is in failed state


Unable to perform backup operation, detecting that SQL Server VSS Writer is in failed state



This article discusses an issue that SQL database backups may fail with the error “Unable to perform backup operation, detecting that SQL Server VSS Writer is in failed state.”

Applies To                                                                           

Unitrends appliance 6.1 and higher
Unitrends agent 6.1 and higher
MS SQL 2005 and higher


Error displayed in the Application Event log:

Jun 17 11:09:22 : (Waiting for the asynchronous operation to finish...)
Jun 17 11:09:22 : Unitrends SQL Server agent error: Selected writer 'SqlServerWriter' is in failed state!
- Writer Failure code: 0x00000000 (S_OK)
- Writer ID:'{a65faa63-5ea8-4ebc-9dbd-a0c4db26912a}'
- Instance ID:'{e064f6dd-2c84-4001-b9cf-33d5e5687d49}'
Jun 17 11:09:22 : Unable to perform backup operation, detecting that SQL Server VSS Writer is in failed state. Please verify that SQL Server is accessible. Review the events in the Application event log for more information
Jun 17 11:09:22 : Unitrends SQL Server agent fails to initialize backup.

Application event log:
Event ID: 24582
Source: SQLWriter

Sqllib error: Failed to create VDS object. hr = 0x80770005.


To resolve this problem, configure the startup account of the SQL Server service to use the LocalSystem account. Alternatively, use a startup account that has the full name of the domain account instead of a period (.) to start the service. For example, use the startup account DomainName\UserName to start the service.


Always use SQL Server Configuration Manager to change the account used by the SQL Server, or to change the password for the account. In addition to changing the account name, SQL Server Configuration Manager performs additional configuration such as setting permissions in the Windows Registry so that the new account can read the SQL Server settings. Other tools such as the Windows Services Control Manager can change the account name but do not change associated settings. If the service cannot access the SQL Server portion of the registry, the service may not start properly.


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