How do I locate: Asset Tag, Appliance Name, Application Version, CentOS version for Unitrends Appliance (UB Virtual or Recovery-Series/MAX/ION Physical)


Information on how to find the asset tag in the user interface or via the command line.



The Asset Tags for a physical system (Recovery-Series) has a different pattern than that of a virtual appliance.

The Asset Tag for Unitrends Backup virtual appliance is a 32 digit hexadecimal number.

Example: e9501c8d-60d5-40c5-aebf-cc01a31f20b8

The Asset Tag for a Recovery-Series physical appliance is an 11 to 13 digit number in the format XXX-XXX-XXXXX, XXXP-XXX-XXXXX. XXXS-XXX-XXXXX, XXXXS-XXX-XXXX

Example 1: 713-105-50026
Example 2: 936S-106-54321
Example 3: 8120S-105-76543
Example 4: MAX9S-432-76543
Example 5: ION-208-76543
Example 6: IONP-132-76543




To obtain your asset tag and application version:

From the Administrative Interface

  • From the UI: Click the question mark User-added image symbol, then click User-added image
    NOTE: The Appliance Name should also be provided when working with Hot Backup Copy Replication to another appliance or the the Unitrends Cloud. (Blue Star). This is also the Hostname that is shown when you are logged in via the Linux OS Command Line.
  • From the Command Line Interface of any Unitrends RecoveryOS based system
  1. Open a SSH (PuTTY) connection to your appliance.
  2. Log in using the username of root.
  3. Run ‘dpu asset; dpu version’ from the command line of the system.
    User-added image
  4. Copy and past all of it into the case or message you are sending to Support.
Please ensure a secure Support Tunnel has been opened for use by Unitrends Support.

Warning: Unitrends highly recommends against using any form of the string 'unitrend' in any password. Any password containing this phrase, in either the UI or OS, should be changed immediately. See also Password Reset: How to reset the root password of the Web Administrative Interface on your Unitrends system.

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