Deploy UEB Through Powershell on Hyper-V Hypervisor or Hyper-V on Server Core
How to deploy a Hyper-V UEB on server core without Hyper-V Management interface. Hyper-V Management Tools will need to be installed on a computer but this outlines how to create the virtual machine where Hyper-V Management tools cannot connect to the Hyper-V server.
This document provides information on how to deploy Hyper-V UEB on server core or Hyper-V Hypervisor. Usually this will happen if Hyper-V server and the computer with Hyper-V Management Tools are not in the same domain or if one is attached to a domain and the other is not.
Hyper-V Management tools cannon connect to the stand alone Hyper-V server.
- Download the Hyper-V UEB and extract the VHD.
- Copy the UEB VHD to Hyper-V server. Example VHD Location: C:\HyperV\VHDs
- Start Powershell from command line by issuing Powershell.
- Type the following:
- New-VM –Name “Unitrends Enterprise Backup” –Path “FULL_PATH_TO_STORAGE_LOCATION” –MemoryStartupBytes 4GB -VHDPath “FULL_PATH_TO_VHD_LOCATION”
- Example: New-VM –Name “Unitrends Enterprise Backup” –Path “C:\HyperV\VHDs” –MemoryStartupBytes 4GB –VHDPath “C:\HyperV\VHDs”
- Now the number of process needs to be set. Issue the following command:
- SET-VMProcessor –VMName “Unitrends Enterprise Backup” –Count 2
- The virtual switch needs to be assigned to the UEB.
- First determine the virtual switches on the Hyper-V server by issuing the following command:
- GET-VMSwitch
- After determining the appropriate switch set the virtual switch to the UEB by issuing the following command:
- GET-VMSwitch –VMName “Unitrends Enterprise Backup” | GET-VMNetworkAdapter | Connect-VMNetworkAdapter –Switchname “NAME_OF_VSWITCH”
- Example: GET-VMSwitch –VMName “Unitrends Enterprise Backup” | GET-VMNetworkAdapter | Connect-VMNetworkAdapter –Switchname “Production”
- While still in Powershell you can issue GET-VM. This will show a list of virtual machines that are on the appliance. Unitrends Enterprise Backup will show up in the powered off state.
- Start the VM – Start-VM “Unitrends Enterprise Backup”
- On a computer that has Hyper-V Management tools installed navigate to C:\Program Files\Hyper-V\
- Issue the command: vmconnect.exe HYPER_V_SERVER “VIRTUAL_MACHINE_NAME”
- Example: vmconnect.exe HVHOST “Unitrends Enterprise Backup”