Can I backup using both the Unitrends SQL Server Agent and SQL Server Enterprise Manager simultaneously?


Can I backup using both the Unitrends SQL Server Agent and SQL Server Enterprise Manager simultaneously?


Unitrends does not recommend using both SQLServer backup jobs and the Unitrends SQLServer agent (It is important that the SQL 2005 database files are protected in just one manner. SQL Server Enterprise Manager and Unitrends SQL Server Agent should not be configured to backup database files concurrently.

SQL databases keep a chain of logs which track changes made to the SQL database since the time which the last SQL full database backup was run. If the log chain is broken, then subsequent differential and transaction logs backup cannot be complete due to missing data in the log chain. When using the Unitrends backup, you will need to discontinue all backup routines performed by SQL maintenance plans and/or other backup agents or run full database backups only.

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