PSA Integration with ConnectWise tips and troubleshooting


PSA Integration with ConnectWise tips and troubleshooting



To provide some tips and troubleshooting when configuring the PSA tool.


  • When you enter your user name and password in ConnectWise (as a new integrator login), make sure you enter the exact user name and password when you configure the PSA configuration in Unitrends.
  • Confirm the time entry zone in ConnectWise is set up correctly.
  • When you enter the URL on the Unitrends Add PSA Configuration screen, enter the URL that your company uses for ConnectWise. You must enter the node name only (i.e., do not enter www or https, such as
  • When configuring the Company ID, make sure that it does not contain spaces.  Also note that there may be two companies involved, the integrator compnay id which is used to login to the ConnectWise App, and the client/managed company ID for which Service Tickets are sent. If those are different, then the LoginCompanyId will have to be set in the [PSA] section of the /usr/bp/bpinit/master.ini file. 
  • Make sure you send a test ticket from Unitrends to ConnectWise after you finish setting up your PSA configuration. We suggest that you write down the ticket number that you see in a window after your test ticket is sent. Use that ticket number to confirm that the system sent the test ticket to ConnectWise.

Additional Information

Make sure to consult your ConnectWise administrator or consult the ConnectWise documentation.

See the Unitrends Administrator’s Guide for more information.

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