Linux Client / Agent

Note: The instructions in this article are for agent versions earlier than 7.4.  Installer enhancements included in the 7.4 release greatly simplify the installation process by reducing the need to locate dependencies.  The 7.4 agent is available in 32- and 64-bit versions.  For details, see Installing and updating the Linux agent.



Add a Linux backup client to the Unitrends backup system.


Add protection for a Linux client to the Unitrends backup system by installing  the Linux backup agent and required dependencies on the Linux client system,  and registering that client with the Unitrends appliance.



The Unitrends Linux backup agent and its required dependencies must be installed on the Linux client system, and the Linux  client system must be registered with the Unitrends backup appliance.






The internet super server, xinetd, is required by the Unitrends Linux backup agent. Many Linux distributions do not install xinetd by default.



32-bit Shared Libraries

The Unitrends agent also requires certain 32-bit shared libraries to complete installation and execute properly.  Many 64-bit Linux installations do not, by default, include these libraries. Some minimal 32-bit installations may also be missing some of these libraries.






Note: All commands detailed in this document should be executed as the root,  or super user.


Install Required Dependencies



Redhat based distributions


On Redhat based systems, such as RHEL, CentOS, Scientific Linux, etc., do

yum -y install xinetd 
chkconfig xinetd on
service xinetd start
yum -y install libattr.i686 libcom_err.i686 krb5-devel.i686 libmenu.i686 ncurses-libs.i686 zlib-devel.i686 libxml2.i686


To locate a package which contains a missing library/file, execute the following command:

yum provides */libraryname 


Debian based distributions


On Debian based systems, such as Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, etc., do

apt-get install xinetd 
apt-get install ia32-libs


If ia32-libs responds unable to install, you may need to enable 32bit platform support:

dpkg --add-architecture i386
apt-get update
apt-get install ia32-libs

May also require in some cases:

apt-get install cifs-utils
apt-get install lib32ncurses5


To locate any additional packages the installer requests dependencies be met for which contains a missing library/file, execute the following command: 

apt-get install apt-file 
apt-file update
apt-file search libraryname


SUSE based distributions


NOTE: libkeyutils1 is missing from SLES 10 and cannot run the latest Linux agent.

The 4.1.2 agent must be used instead and can be downloaded from here:

On Novell based systems, such as OES, and OpenSuSE, do

zypper install xinetd 
zypper install -y libattr1-32bit libcom_err2-32bit krb5-32bit libxml2-32bit zlib-32bit


To locate a package which contains a missing library/file, execute the following command:

zypper what-provides libraryname

If zypper is not found, you may install the packages via yast2.

yast2 -i package_name 

You may search for a package with yast2 by entering the yast2 menu:

yast2 --ncurses

Within this menu, select Software, then Software Management. From here you may search for, and install packages. 



On some 64-bit systems, such as RHEL 6, 64-bit and 32-bit package version numbers may differ. This will cause a conflict when installing the 32-bit package. The quickest solution is to downgrade the 64-bit package so that the installed version coincides with that of the 32-bit package. Another possible solution would be to obtain the latest stable source RPM from Redhat's website and build 32-bit and 64-bit rpms.



Download the Backup Agent


Download the current Linux agent installer from the Downloads page.


If wget or curl are installed on the Linux system, the backup agent may be downloaded via the Linux command line with either of the following commands:


  curl -O  

-OR for 32-bit Linux-



Make the installer binary executable


Set the executable bit on the file.

 chmod +x 
 chmod +x  



Install the Backup Agent


Please read the paragraph below before launching the installer binary:


You will be given the opportunity to enter the directory where you would like to install the software. Press enter to accept the default installation directory (/usr/bp).

If it does not exist, you will be asked if you wish to create it, enter y to continue.

There will be an option to enter an email address for the computer’s backup summaries. Typically, backups will be launched using schedules on the system.

Schedule reports will be sent from the system. Enter none to disable reports directly from the Linux client.

You will be asked to enter the hostname of the system. This name should be  resolvable using DNS or the /etc/hosts file.

You will be asked if the client and the server (backup system) are separated by a firewall. If using a low, medium, or high security setting on the system, enter y when answering this question. Saying yes will force data communication between the system and the  client to use port 1745.

The client can now be registered on the Unitrends backup appliance.


To launch the installer binary, execute the following command, in the same directory where the installer resides:



To register a Linux client

1 From the backup system, select Settings > Clients, Networking, and Notifications > Clients.

2 Click Add Client.

3 Enter the name of the client in the Client/Server name field.

4 Click Confirm.


Please refer to Chapter 12, Linux Protection, in the Administrator's guide for more information concerning Linux protection. The administrator's guide may be found in PDF or html format at






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