New UEB Deployment: Check logfile in /usr/bp/logs.dir/bpservFATAL: NO MORE SPACE ON DEVICE (DESPITE RECOVERY ATTEMPTS)


After deploying a new UEB and taking a few backups, you may get an error of no more space on the device, even though you have significant amounts of free space.


After deploying a new UEB, adding storage, and running a few backups, you get the following error message:

Check logfile in /usr/bp/logs.dir/bpserv

For more information on "Out of Space" conditions see Unitrends KB 5046 - Error: No more space on device


Ensure the storage is set to the value that is expected:

  1. Use the Legacy Administrative Interface, accessible by typing the URL using https and the directory of recovery console (Example:
  2. Select Settings > Storage and Retention > Storage Allocation.
  3. Click on the up arrow of the Instant Recovery section and set it to 3. Click Confirm.
  4. Go back into Storage Allocation and click on the down arrow of the Instant Recovery Section.
  5. Note the size of the storage in the Backups/Replication box (you will need this later). Click Confirm
  6. Settings > Storage and Retention > Backup Devices > D2Dbackups.
  7. The Custom section should have the Radial button selected and the value should be the same (or 1GB less) than the value in the Backups/Replication from step 5.


One of two issues has occurred:

  1. The storage on the Unitrends system has not be completely allocated due to a missed step. (affects UEB deployments and newly reimaged Recovery-Series systems)
  2. The resources for the Unitrends system have been left at the default values (affects UEB deployments only)
Recovery-Series appliances were designed by Unitrends to have sufficient CPU and RAM for the storage they will manage. If using Unitrends Enterprise Backup (UEB), the default values were designed to work with a very small storage (500GB). Anything larger needs more RAM and CPU. Anything less than 8GB of vRAM and you will get unrealistic errors. You can use our hardware models as a guide, using the "Suggested Backup" to compare with the storage you have. Under the CPU section, the second value is the number of threads, which is a better value to chose for the vCPU. You should also review the UEB Deployment Best Practices which has critical information to ensure you have deployed a recovery solution that is as trouble-free as possible and expandable well into the future.

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