Change the number of backups that can run at the same time
A backup system can run backups concurrently however the maximum number of concurrent backups is limited by the feature string. This prevents the system from running more backups concurrently than it is designed to handle and thus prevents unnecessary failure. To perform more backups at a time, please deploy additional appliances.
In many cases support may recommend lowering these values, especially for Unitrends Backup virtual appliances deployed where IO, RAM or CPU resources are limited, or if particular systems in a customer environment cannot sustain the load of multiple concurrent VM or database backups.
XenServer UBs are deployed with a concurrency limit of 4 vs other virtual appliances with a limit of 10, and this should not be increased on the xen platform. Deployment of additional units is more commonly necessary in Xen environments. Physical appliance limits for this value differ by size and performance of the model in question and re notated in the license feature string.
This setting is global and will impact all protected assets.
Incorrect usage of the commands below may render unexpected results. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
1) First, determine the number of backups the system is optimized to perform concurrently. Make note of the number following "MUX=". This number is max number of concurrent backups that should be run.
--- Command ---
unitrends-cli get license | grep feature_string\"--- Command Usage ---
[root@UB110 ~]# unitrends-cli get license | grep feature_string\" "feature_string": "ENTRB,MUX=20,VC=INF,RC=INF,D2D=INF,ENC,ADX,MKT=4",--- Note ---
For this unit the highest value is MUX = 20. The value may be different for your deployment. If you need a larger amount please contact Unitrends Support.
2) Now, determine the system ID. It will typically be 1, but make note if it is not. This is required to gather more information.
--- Command ---
unitrends-cli get systems | grep -m 1 \"id\":
--- Command Usage ---
[root@UB110 ~]# unitrends-cli get systems | egrep "\"id\"|\"name\"": "id": 1, "name": "UB110", "id": 6, "name": "UB109_DHCP", "id": 9, "name": "UB107COS65",--- Note ---
Look for the host name of the appliance and record the "id" above it.
3) Determine the storage information that is to be changed. You will use the "id" from the previous command here.
--- Command ---
unitrends-cli get storage -s I | egrep "\"max_concurrent_backups\"|\"name\"|\"type\"|\"sid\"|\"usage\"" | grep -v "/dev/"
--- Command Usage ---
[root@UB110 ~]# unitrends-cli get storage -s 1 | egrep "\"max_concurrent_backups\"|\"name\"|\"type\"|\"sid\"|\"usage\"" | grep -v "/dev/"
"max_concurrent_backups": 10,
"name": "Internal",
"sid": 1,
"type": "internal",
"usage": "stateless",
"max_concurrent_backups": "N/A",
"name": "NASonUB109",
"sid": 1,
"type": "nas",
"usage": "archive",
"max_concurrent_backups": "N/A",
"name": "UBAWSs3",
"sid": 1,
"type": "nas",
"usage": "archive",
"max_concurrent_backups": "N/A",
"name": "unirestore",
"sid": 1,
"type": "nas",
"usage": "archive",
--- Note ---
The colored block of text is what we will focus on. You will want to record the following information for the next command.
"sid": 1 -- This is the "storage id" we want to update.
"max_concurrent_backups": 10, -- This is the current max number of concurrent backups. If this is already equal to the MUX value. Please contact support to see about raising the MUX value.
The below three are just what we want to see in the event of a system with many storage devices connected. If the command provides output similar to above please ensure that you collect the information from the correct lines. Incorrectly doing so could cause issues.
"name": "Internal",
"type": "internal",
"usage": "stateless", -- This may say "backup" on physical appliances.
4. Last, set the number of concurrent backups by running the command below where I is the ID of the storage, S the ID of the system, and 10 the value of max concurrent backups desired.
S = "sid": 1,
I = "id": 1
M = MUX = 20
--- Command ---
unitrends-cli put storage -i I -s S -R '{ "max_concurrent_backups": M }'--- Command Usage ---
[root@UB110 ~]# unitrends-cli put storage -i 1 -s 1 -R '{ "max_concurrent_backups": 10 }' { "result": [ { "code": "0" } ] }
5. To confirm that it changed.
--- Command ---
unitrends-cli get storage -s 1 | egrep "\"max_concurrent_backups\"|\"name\"|\"type\"|\"sid\"|\"usage\"" | grep -v "/dev/"
--- Command Usage ---
[root@UB110 ~]# unitrends-cli get storage -s 1 | egrep "\"max_concurrent_backups\"|\"name\"|\"type\"|\"sid\"|\"usage\"" | grep -v "/dev/" "max_concurrent_backups": 10, "name": "Internal", "sid": 1, "type": "internal", "usage": "stateless", "max_concurrent_backups": "N/A", "name": "NASonUB109", "sid": 1, "type": "nas", "usage": "archive", "max_concurrent_backups": "N/A", "name": "UBAWSs3", "sid": 1, "type": "nas", "usage": "archive", "max_concurrent_backups": "N/A", "name": "unirestore", "sid": 1, "type": "nas", "usage": "archive",