Describe additional UEB Installable Software configuration information that may be useful.
UEB Installable Software Configuration Tips
Describe additional UEB Installable Software configuration information that may be useful. The primary source of UEB Installable Software information should be the Deployment Guide at , and the UEBInstallableSoftwareGuide.pdf documentation included with your software.
Storage Configuration Tips
- The system should be regarded as a single-purpose system, so that the Unitrends software can run without interference from other production tasks.
- The following are minimum hardware requirements:
- 64‐bit little endian CPU with at least 4 cores.
- 4 GB of memory.
- Enterprise SATA or SAS disks with a minimum of 140 GB. The disks must have enough space to accommodate your backups.
- During installation of the operating system, you must create a /backups partition with at least 140 GB, but it should be large enough to accommodate your backups. 95% of the partition will be used for backups, and 5% for system information. If you create a /usr partition, it must be at least 80 GB, and if the /root partition will include /var, it must be at least 50 GB.
- Check the UEBInstallableSoftwareGuide.pdf documentation included in your software download or media for supported adapters and other information.
Best Practices
- We usually install the ‘Minimum’ or ‘Server’ bundles from CentOS6
- Generally don’t install a GUI (gnome desktop, etc.), because it won’t be used, and can conflict with our console app.
- Do not install a custom non-CentOS NIC driver, if that is your only NIC. Some of those use different NIC naming if they are derived from a later kernel, and UEB requires the first NIC to be ‘eth0’.
Filesystem for large storage partitions
Unitrends recommends using xfs for large storage partitions, like /backups. The xfs filesystem can handle the largest filesystems.
Automatically Mounting External Storage for /backups (needed if release 8.1.0)
If we are configuring external storage on the system for the /backups partition, we must be sure that the external storage is mounted correctly before the /etc/init.d/bp_rcscript starts the database. The steps can be more complex for iSCSI storage, where there are several steps involved.
With Unitrends release 8.2.0 and later, the /usr/bp/bin/stateless_init and /usr/bp/bin/stateless_stop scripts are automatically created in order to handle this. These are called by /etc/init.d/bp_rcscript at the appropriate time.
For Unitrends releases prior to 8.2.0, see below. Later releases handle this automatically.
This mounting can be done manually if desired, inserting the mount/unmount steps into the init script at /usr/bp/bin/stateless_init and the unmounts steps into /usr/bp/bin/stateless_stop, which are called during init at the appropriate time and are empty except when the software is deployed as a virtual ‘stateless’ UEB image with NAS or iSCSI storage for /backups.
--- Examples for iSCSI:
Sample stateless_init steps which would mount myiscsi on /backups:
$cmciscsi discover $NODE $IPORT
$cmciscsi connect $STORNAME stateless $NODE $IPORT $ITARGET $ILUN 0
Sample stateless_stop script steps with iSCSI:
$cmciscsi disconnect backups
umount /backups
$cmciscsi logoutall
Sample stateless_init steps for iSCSI raw commands (for myiscsi target, with /dev/sdf1 as its partition):
iscsiadm -m node
iscsiadm -m node --targetname "" --portal --login
sdev=`lsscsi |tail -n1 |cut -c54-80 | awk '{ print $1 }'`
mount ${sdev}1 /backups
--- Examples for NFS:
Sample stateless_init steps for NFS (node=mynode|myIP, share=myshare):
mount -t nfs -overs=3 mynode:/myshare /backups
Sample stateless_stop steps for NFS:
umount /backups