Setting the default storage device


Instructions for setting the default storage device from the Unitrends CLI


Instructions for setting the default storage device from the Unitrends CLI

Use an SSH client such as  PuTTY to access the Unitrends system at the command line level.
Note:  Ensure you have the OS password to access the Unitrends system’s command line.  The OS  password may differ from the password used to access the User Interface.

Run this command to determine if you device is set as "default".
unitrends-cli GET storage -i 1 -s 1 | grep default
If your command returns the follow output, your device is already set as the default device.
# unitrends-cli GET storage -i 4 -s 1 | grep default
        "is_default": true,
If your command returns false as shown below, follow the resolution to set your device as the default device.
# unitrends-cli GET storage -i 1 -s 1 | grep default
        "is_default": false,



  1. Set the default storage by running this command.
  2. # unitrends-cli PUT storage -R '{"default": 1}' -i 1 -s 1
    You should see the following output returned.
        "result": [
                "code": "0"
  3. Now confirm that the storage device has been set as "default".
    # unitrends-cli GET storage -i 4 -s 1 | grep default
            "is_default": true



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