Adding ConnectWise Manage


Connectwise Manage supports the use of SAML support for accessing this application. 

The following will be used during this configuration.

Passly Settings

  1. Access your Passly Tenant via https://(companyname) 

    Select Directory Manager.
  3. Select Groups.
    Select the Blue plus sign in the bottom right corner.
    Name the Group Connectwise Manage Users
    Note: If you have other existing Groups for SSO users you can use one of these as well.
  4. Select ADD GROUP.
  5. Select SSO Manager > Application Library.
  6. Select the Blue plus sign to add a new application.
  7. Select the Catalogue icon.
  8. Select Custom Application.
  9. Select Application is enabled.
  10. Name the Application: Connectwise Manage
  11. Select your preferred Authentication Policy, the "Default" will list unless changed. 
  12. Select Protocol Setup and enter the following.
    Protocol Type: SAML SP-Init
    Assertion Consumer Service URL: https://{CW_Domain}/v4_6_release/auth/{CompanyID}/Acs
    Allow Multiple Audiences: Unchecked
    Service Entity ID: https://{CW_Domain}/v4_6_release/auth/{CompanyID}/metadata
    Identity Issuer: https://(companyname)
    Multiple Audiences: Checked
    Sign Token Response: Checked
    Sign Assertion: Checked
    Signing Algorithm: SHA-256
    Fixed Relay State: <blank>
  13. Select Attribute Transformation
    Audience URI: https://{CW_Domain}/v4_6_release/auth/{CompanyID}/metadata
    Attribute Value: {User.EmailAddress}
    Send As

  14. Select Add Application
  15. Select Permissions.
    Choose the Group created in Step 3.
  16. Select Signing and Encryption
  17. Select Download.
    Note: You will need to save this to your local machine. This certificate will be uploaded into CW Manage. Once uploaded there is no need to save a copy of this certificate. 
  18. Select Save Changes.

Connectwise Manage settings

  1. Log into Connectwise Manage.
  2. Login URL: https://(companyname) /trust/launch?ApplicationId={App_Guid} (found by right-clicking the app in the Launchpad and copying the link)
  3. Identity Provider ID: https://(companyname)
  4. Upload the Certificate and ensure the fingerprint matches.


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