Add Bamboo HR

Passly supports SAML Apps added in the SSO Manager. 

Bamboo HR is a 3rd party tool provided via 


Passly Settings

  1. Log into Passly https://(companyname)
  2. Select Directory Manager.
  3. Select Groups.
  4. Select the Blue plus sign in the bottom right corner.
  5. Name the Group Bamboo Users.
    Note: If you have other existing Groups for SSO users you can use one of these as well.
  6. Select Add Group.
  7. Select SSO Manager.
  8. Select the Blue plus sign in the bottom right corner.
  9. Select AWS from the list.
  10. Select "Application is Enabled" to enable the Application. 
  11. Update the Name field if needed. 
  12. Select your preferred Authentication Policy. 

    Note: If you have not created any specific policies the "Default Policy" will be applied. 
  13. Select Protocol Setup.
  14. Update the Assertion Consumer Service URL 
    Note: Replace  "yourdomain" with your current Bamboo HR assigned domain. 
  15. Select Add Application.

Bamboo HR Configuration

The Bamboo HR info is located here

Setup Guide



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