Adding 2FA to Continuum

Please note this is a legacy integration originally designed for AuthAnvil On-Premises (legacy).

Configure Users

  1. Log into Continuum as a Super User
  2. Across the top of the screen click Admin.

  3. In the left-hand pane under Users select Manage Users.

  4. Select the user that will be enabled for 2FA
  5. Select the dropdown box for Require two-factor authentication and select AuthAnvil Two Factor Auth.

     The dropdown menu selection will now allow you to enable 3 additional fields:

    Pasly Server URL:Your SAS URL will be your tenant URL/AuthAnvil/SAS.asmx
    Example: would be
    Passly Site ID
    : This is always set to 1.
    Passly Username: This username must match a valid 2FA account in Passly. 
  6. Click Save to apply the changes to this user and enable two-factor authentication
  7. Repeat steps 3 – 6 for every member who needs to use Passly authentication


Test Login with 2FA

  1. Log into Continuum using your normal Email ID and Password. A second login prompt will appear if you are enabled for 2FA:

  2. Enter your Passly Passcode.
    Note: Users might need to enter a four digit pin here as well as the One Time Password.
    For the Pin your users will use Pin: 1111
    The actual Pin requirement was a hold over from the old On-Prem configuration. On-Demand does not use the Pin, however it respects the value being submitted.
  3. Click Login.
  4. You should now be logged in to Continuum.

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