How do I download my exported data?

Once your data has finished exporting, you will receive an email informing you that the data is available to download. After you have received this email, you will have 7 days to download your data before the link expires and the zip file is removed from the Spanning cloud.  

To download your export file from Spanning, please follow these steps:

1. Log into your Spanning account as the same user that you were signed in as when you initiated the export (note: if you are a non-admin user, skip to step #3)
2. Go to the Users list on left side menu and use 'Impersonate' action for desired user account
3. On the 'User' tab, under the 'Exports' heading, you will see your data available to download to your computer
4. Using a download manager (Chrono Download Manager on Chrome), follow the steps below:

  • Copy the export download links from Spanning:


  • Open Chrono Download Manager and click the "+" button at the top:


  • Paste the download you copied from Spanning Backup above to the "URL" field and click on "Start":


5. Once the export file(s) have been downloaded to your computer, you will need to use an archive utility to extract the contents of the downloaded files.  There are a lot of different archiving tools you can use.  Here are a couple of free tools that will do the job:

  • For Mac OS:  The Unarchiver (free app on the Mac App Store)
  • For Windows OS:  7-Zip (free app available for Windows)
    • Note, non-UTF8 characters are not supported by 7-zip or Windows native zip. It may be necessary to locate an alternate unzip tool to support certain international characters.  Spanning Support cannot make any official recommendations for such tools. 

If you have any questions about accessing your exported data, please email

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