How are the Spanning Backup for Google Workspace admin roles different?

All Google Super Admin users in your domain are automatically given full Spanning Super Admin access.  Spanning also offers the ability to assign users the Help Desk Admin role, which offers limited admin rights.  See the table below which details all of the permissions each admin role offers.

A Spanning Super Admin user can assign either Spanning Super Admin or Help Desk Admin rights to any user with a Spanning license assigned in the Admin Console, by following the steps below:

1. Log into your Spanning Backup for Google workspace account as a Super Admin User.

2. Click the Settings tab.

3. At the bottom of the page, in the Spanning Backup Administrators section, you can select a user, and then select which admin role to assign to them from the dropdown menus, as shown below:


Please note that if a user is a Google Super Admin user, they are automatically given Spanning Super Admin credentials, and this setting cannot be customized unless they have their Google Super Admin credentials removed.

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