What objects and metadata are not backed up by Spanning Backup for Salesforce?

What objects and metadata are not backed up by Spanning Backup for Salesforce?

Spanning Backup for Salesforce generally backs up the following:

  • Standard and custom objects
  • Files and attachments, including ContentDocument and ContentDocumentLink objects
  • Chatter
  • Metadata

Spanning Backup for Salesforce backs up Salesforce objects that have the following two fields: Id and SystemModstamp

It does not back up objects that are not fully supported by the Salesforce query language.  These are listed here.  One exception, as mentioned above, is that Spanning Backup for Salesforce backs up ContentDocumentLink objects, even though they are not fully supported by SOQL.

Fields on Objects 
There are some fields that we do not back up, because their value is derived, not stored directly:
1. Field values determined by a calculated formula.  Instead, we store the formula as part of the object’s metadata.
2. Fields that have a Compound Address, such as Mailing Address.  Instead, we back up the individual fields that make up a Compound Address, such as MailingStreet, MailingCity, MailingCountry, etc.

Spanning Backup for Salesforce backs up all metadata in Salesforce (including custom metadata) that can be retrieved using the Salesforce Metadata API.  See the Salesforce Metadata API Developer Guide for a list.  The one exception is that we do not back up StandardValueSetTranslation, due to a bug in the API from Salesforce.  
It does not back up metadata types that are unsupported by the Metadata API -- see Unsupported Metadata Types in the Salesforce Metadata API Developer Guide for a list.  

If you have any additional questions, please email support@spanning.com.

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