Kaseya Delivery Methods Phases

📖 Kaseya Delivery Methods (KDM) is a systematic and efficient approach that ensures consistency, optimal resource management, and timely achievement of goals. KDM consists of the following phases:

Phase Overview

Phase Description Detailed Phase Description


Assign Project Manager

A Project Manager is assigned, and a welcome email is sent with contact information and key activation/setup links. In this phase, a Project Manager is assigned to the project. A welcome email is sent to the customer, containing the Project Manager's contact information and key activation/setup links.


License & Hardware Shipping

The installation contact confirms receipt and activates respective users. The installation contact confirms receipt of the licenses and hardware, and activates the respective users.


Partner Engagement Initiated

Confirmation of contract, scope, key stakeholders, checklist & self-guided material, Kaseya One setup, and scheduling delivery dates. This phase involves confirming the contract, scope, and key stakeholders. Additionally, a checklist and self-guided material are provided, Kaseya One setup is initiated, and delivery dates are scheduled.


Ready to Go Checklist

Reminders are sent after the initial engagement call, and completion is confirmed during the discovery call. After the initial engagement call, reminders are sent to ensure readiness. Completion of the checklist is confirmed during the discovery call.


Document Current State & Risks

During the discovery call, critical requirements are acknowledged, and additional services are offered as needed. During the discovery call, the current state and known risks are documented. Critical requirements are acknowledged, and additional services are offered as needed.


Project Plan & Policy Sign Off

The scope and project plan topics/dates are reconfirmed, a secondary contact is provided, and the cancellation policy is acknowledged. The scope and project plan topics/dates are reconfirmed in this phase. A secondary contact is provided, and the customer acknowledges the cancellation policy (72 hours notice for any emergency).


Review Milestone Checkpoints

At critical points for each product, a healthy state is ensured. Additional recurring touchpoints are available as needed. At critical points for each product, milestone checkpoints are reviewed to ensure a healthy state. Additional recurring touchpoints are available as needed.


Complete Project Deliverables

Project deliverables are completed according to the agreed project plan. A survey is sent after every session/deliverable to ensure satisfaction. Project deliverables are completed according to the agreed project plan. A survey is sent after every session/deliverable to ensure customer satisfaction.


Complete Integration Assurance

Key integration setup is confirmed, and documentation is shared to keep up to date on new integration features. Key integration setup is confirmed, and documentation is shared to keep the customer up to date on new integration features as they become available.

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Kaseya Support Hand Off

A leadership call with Support is conducted to establish an escalation point of contact for any product issues. A leadership call with Kaseya Support is conducted to establish an escalation point of contact for any product issues.

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Project Sign Off

Deployment and integration deliverables are confirmed according to the initial scope. Deployment and integration deliverables are confirmed according to the initial scope, and the project is signed off.

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21 Day Follow Up

Positive adoption is ensured, questions are answered, and education certifications & services accessible for purchase online are recommended. After 21 days, a follow-up is conducted to ensure positive adoption. Any remaining questions are answered, and education certifications & services accessible for purchase online are recommended.




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