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Chat Log 

00:04:08 Jeff Fulton: Does anyone use dark web monitoring for their clients?
00:04:15 J.Mac Brown: yes
00:04:26 Marc Pickard - CBTech Support: For the most part
00:04:51 Jeff Fulton: What tools?
00:05:01 Jeff Fulton: if I may be so bold to ask
00:05:19 Marc Pickard - CBTech Support: Ours is done through the security awareness training company we use, Breach Secure Now
00:07:24 J.Mac Brown: All clients get DarkWeb & BullPhish
00:07:53 J.Mac Brown: Additional Cyber Security Package currently is Huntress & Perch.
00:08:10 Odin Fuhrman: Tool Question - Do you offer SIEM Services for your customers? Do you have a Cyber as Service Vendor that you work with, if so who is it and what is the pricing structure? Per User? End Point?
00:09:07 Marc Pickard - CBTech Support: @J.Mac - I thought Huntress did kind of a watered down version of what Perch does... do you find they actually complementary?
00:09:27 David Johnson: We include BSN end user training in all of our MSP contracts, the full portal with phishing simulations and dark web monitoring is an add-on
00:10:02 Phil N: +1 for BSN
00:10:24 David Johnson: We partner with Arctic Wolf for SOC as a Service, we use it for ourselves, and typically pitch it to our clients with extra security/compliance requirements
00:10:28 Keala: We have BSN but are about to move to Cyberhoot.
00:10:51 Rob Danser: https://www.breachsecurenow.com/
00:10:55 Melissa Bryant: ID Agent
00:12:31 Neil Murray: @David, would be interested to hear more about your work with Arctic Wolf. Are they doing full alerting and initial incident response for you?
00:12:42 Derek Gabriel: Sorry I'm late... demerits for me
00:13:08 David Johnson: we like the BSN weekly micro trainings, and also that they have a version of their end user security awareness training that CJIS compliant
00:13:37 David Johnson: @Neil, just reach out to me david@fulcrumgroupnet
00:14:48 Jeff Fulton: https://www.knowbe4.com
00:16:18 Derek Gabriel: Perch was eaten by the devil... We love huntress too.. Perch is a full service outsourced managed Security program. Where huntress is specific to threat hunting and identifying IOCs in your enviroments.
00:17:14 Bradford Link: Would Huntress be comparable to Sentinel One?
00:17:19 Derek Gabriel: No
00:17:22 Derek Gabriel: layer with
00:17:30 Derek Gabriel: Huntress is in their own category
00:18:49 Derek Gabriel: we use a combo of Huntress and Sentinel One - we are testing Microsoft ATP as a replacement to SentinelOne, but Huntress will remain.
00:18:58 Craig Anderson, PCM: AW and Perch are not the same but they are closer to being comparable to eaChother than Huntress
00:20:19 J.Mac Brown-Affinity Tech, Nashville: Huntress finishing beta integration to Defender too. https://support.huntress.io/article/145-managed-antivirus
00:21:08 Odin Fuhrman: Tool Question - Anyone use Okta for SSO? What's your experience with it? Is the pricing fair? Competitor?
00:21:42 Derek Gabriel: During the winter, arctic wolves grow a second layer of fur to protect themselves against the cold.
00:22:01 Rob Danser: lol
00:22:06 Jeff Fulton: TY Derek
00:22:23 Craig Anderson, PCM: arctic wolf brings actual huskies to their booths at it conferences so I was sold right then
00:22:43 Rob Danser: Whats a conference
00:22:46 Derek Gabriel: lol
00:22:51 Craig Anderson, PCM: *brought
00:23:10 Jeff Fulton: Grandpa used to talk about those
00:24:21 Jeff Fulton: Solarwinds LEM and NetWatcher for SIEM
00:25:03 Bradford Link: We use Continuum's Stack which is basically Setinel One and EventTracker
00:25:13 Bradford Link: Both Backed up by a SOC
00:27:44 Derek Gabriel: I want to know if anyone is using only Microsoft's tools with their clients - Azure AD, Endpoint Manager, M365 Defender, Azure Sentinel, Cloud App Security, etc... ?
00:29:00 J.Mac Brown-Affinity Tech, Nashville: We have 3 clients on our new Cyber Security Package (priced by user - let’s say it is in the range $30-40/user). And I got another 4 clients in process. Financial Services, Healthcare and legal market segments are our first big needs for compliance and security and insurance needs.
00:31:40 Mark O'Kane: Is that a monthly or yearly price?
00:32:18 Jeff Fulton: MFA we use DOU or MS MFA
00:32:21 J.Mac Brown-Affinity Tech, Nashville: Per user, per month… include 3rd Party ThreatOPs SOC
00:33:08 Jeff Fulton: DUO
00:33:28 Derek Gabriel: Octa like otcapus
00:34:20 Bradford Link: @ODIN We currently use Continuum Fortify and did an extensive Trial of SKOUT. Happy to discuss our experience with you - brad@weareproactive.com
00:34:59 Derek Gabriel: you can do many forms of SSO with AzureAD…
00:35:06 J.Mac Brown-Affinity Tech, Nashville: Considered Okta for design client who had AD/Fileserver environment and Mac Google Suite for mail and making Okta the master SSO bridget to Suite and Windows.
00:35:06 Neil Murray: For those using Duo, have you implemented their Device Health or certificate-based options?
00:37:33 Craig Anderson, PCM: Is anybody using he Duo push alert approval thing? The feature where you can have your help desk push a user an authentication prompt to confirm that the person on the phone is actually who they say they are?
00:38:11 Jeff Fulton: Just the push alerts to ourselves
00:38:58 Jared Belcher: We have most of our clients on Duo as well
00:39:22 Odin Fuhrman: @Bradford thanks I'll email you later!
00:40:01 Jeff Fulton: Just basic Duo
00:44:01 Derek Gabriel: You reset passwords for people, they don't do that themselves?
00:44:34 Derek Gabriel: Azure AD - Self service password reset ;)
00:44:37 Jeff Fulton: What tool for Selfservice password reset?
00:47:38 Derek Gabriel: We don't give our customers a choice, it's part of our standards to use MFA with Azure AD since all of our customers also use M365 as part of our standards...
00:50:36 Derek Gabriel: vendor management is super valuable in those cases... no one wants to play ping pong with supprot
00:51:58 Jeff Fulton: Yes you are :)
00:51:59 Craig Anderson, PCM: the two aren't mutually exclusive
00:52:47 Jeff Fulton: too many eggs in one basket
00:53:52 Brett: We target all MS. I don't understand why people want to reinvent MFA when you can integrate it with AD... I'm convinced M365 Business Premium is the future....
00:57:08 Brett: It's like car sales, the kickbacks are real
01:00:42 Derek Gabriel: Thanks everyone - Have a great weekend!
01:00:56 Don Rogers: Good stuff Derek, thanks
01:00:56 Craig Anderson, PCM: my highest rating: one thumb up
01:01:17 Odin Fuhrman: Good Stuff, thank you to everybody! Have a nice weekend!

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