Chat Log
00:05:00 Rob Danser:
00:08:05 Craig Anderson, PCM: jorge you are pretty quiet
00:11:57 Brooke Smith: I touch base at least 1x a moth or two... most get 1x a year formal and some get 2x's a year for the size of client I manage the larger clients get monthly scheduled phone calls sometimes it's weekly if it's middle of a project
00:18:14 Brooke Smith: I get from my NA/TAM THIER "pie in the sky wish" and then work backward from there to build my recommendations.
00:19:05 Dan Seafoot: We do a Budget Presentation happens once a year to get an approved budget - then schedule out the quarters. During our Tech Steering quarterly we will review progress on the budget - plus any items that need a decision on - we also do 4-5 topics for approval per quarter
00:26:11 Marc Pickard - CBTech Support: My TAM flags questions that are "yes" and have a recommendation on them, that way when I go through the review I can look at the recommendation and decide if it can be closed or not
00:27:46 Brooke Smith: That's what I do I look at the config
00:27:58 Jorge Viveros: I end up referencing the associated ticket
00:28:36 Brooke Smith: Jorge I put ticket #s in to MyITProcess reviews too so I can loo back
00:29:03 Jorge Viveros: Yeah, I ask the TAMs to note the ticket # in their technical notes for any "no"s
00:29:14 Alain Bélisle: In my post vCIO task, I create a ticket and follow up every 2 week
00:29:53 Craig Anderson, PCM: we have the tams put their ticket numbers in their Technical analysdis notes
00:32:04 Dan Seafoot: tsk tsk
00:32:37 Dan Seafoot: It makes Jorge feel good to confirm himself ;)
00:33:06 Dan Seafoot: It helps when you don't know how to look it up!
00:37:43 Michael Courts: I create a "Post TAM Task ticket" and add that ticket number to my VCIO comment. Most of the times the ticket is resolved before I have my VCIO meeting with the client.
00:43:21 Derek Gabriel: ugh, I think of them as "categories" too
00:43:35 Jorge Viveros: yeah I think I've been using this incorrectly as well
00:44:52 Craig Anderson, PCM: I have already sent copious notes to on how I fee about categories/initiatives/recommendations/etc "initiatives" would make more sense to me if they had a "complete" button
00:45:35 Derek Gabriel: Right... an initiative should have a lifecycle
00:47:02 Craig Anderson, PCM: after our sbr's we generate tickets for tams, cs, roc, etc that we call "Post SBR" tickets in CW we added a "source" called "post sbr" so that no matter what department or service board it ends up on, we are able to track/report on status
00:47:16 Bill Taylor: @Craig and Derek - I just communicated that to our product team as well. It's probably in the backlog already but figured some reinforcement couldn't hurt. :)
00:52:20 Bill Taylor: Shameless plug for next week's myITprocess Community meeting. Please register if interested!
00:53:17 Joe Timko: We have templated quotes via CW Sell that have base numbers as a starter.
00:53:17 Derek Gabriel: TY for the link @Bill
00:53:53 Bill Taylor: Any time!
00:55:04 Robert Macalino: thinking how to change all my categories LOL
00:55:27 Craig Anderson, PCM: just add the year to the end :) that's what i'm going to do
00:56:05 Warren Ksiez: See Ya! Have a good weekend!