7/29: TAM All Stars


Here are a few highlights from this week's webinar. 

A new TAM posed the question, "What are some things you wish someone told you about the role when you first started?"

  • Have patience.
  • The TAM is the most important employee.
  • A NO answer needs details.
  • Reviews will take much longer at first, don't worry about it.
  • We tell a new TAM that they need to check How To documentation every time. Also, they need to answer 100% accurately and not assume they know how we want to see the answer.
  • We ask our TAMs to write a technical analysis even on questions marked as Yes. 
  • Don't shortcut checks for the sake of getting it done. Accurate info is critical.
  • From a vCIO who was previously a TAM, act as if all of the information that was previously documented was wrong. Go verify it.
  • We intentionally alternate reviews to double-check ourselves while aligning the standards.
  • If you are the first one in the role, the questions should be considered mutable with permission from management.
  • If a question doesn't have a good "why asking' or "how to figure out answer", work with company to improve those.
  • Improve the why asking / how to figure it out
  • Look past the questions "out of the box" and find other items, perhaps even per client, that need to be checked periodically, to make those standards your own.
  • Make sure that it is not a solo act. Standards and Alignment have to have company buy-in and 
    dedicated time.
  • Try not to do too much review in one visit.
  • myITprocess is a living document. It needs to be gone through at LEAST twice a year to add/remove/update questions as technology and your own business changes.
  • Take your time to take notes and to get familiarized with the standards library and documentation platforms.


A few other pearls:

  • Continue to keep current with changing technology in order to avoid stagnation.
  • Have TAMs visit customer sites/perform reviews 4 out of the 5 days per week. This will allow time for personal and professional development.
  • Be clear in your offering - "No fuzzy edges! Or wire hangers. Ever!
  • Continuing ed is a critical requirement for this industry.
  • As a TAM, make sure you follow through with that promise if you make it!
  • When members implemented our Remote Workforce Standards they encountered significantly less noise during the front of the Covid Virus.
  • Make sure management communicates to clients about new TAMs coming on board to ensure buy-in





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