Adding Findings

This article will go over how to add findings to your Strategic Roadmap while working through a review.

Note: Findings are now associated with recommendations and only with a single review.

Findings are ways to link review questions with recommendations in your strategic roadmap. These findings provide supporting documentation for and help aid in the creation of recommendations.

Adding findings via Review 

  1. Go to Alignment and then select a review. On the vCIO portion of the review, can click the Assign Recommendation icon below the Business Analysis field


A list of existing recommendations will appear to which you can associate this question. You also have the ability to create a new recommendation.



After you either select an existing or create a new recommendation, you will see the quarter and name of the recommendation listed under the Business Analysis field.


Adding findings via the Strategic Roadmap

  1. Go to Strategy and click the Findings icon, to the right of the filter icon.
  2. Your most recent review will appear in the dropdown list with any findings that 



Please note: The selected review on the findings panel defaults to the most recent review.

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