Generating a Unitrends Disaster Recovery Runbook


Follow this article to set up and generate Disaster Recovery runbooks of your Unitrends-backed devices with their latest configuration data.


  • You must have an active integration setup with Unitrends MSP. For details, refer to our Integrating with Unitrends MSP KB article.
  • You must have Administrator-level access to IT Glue.


Generating a new report

  1. In IT Glue, navigate to Global > Reports and click the Unitrends DR Runbook icon. If your IT Glue account does not have an integration setup with Unitrends MSP yet, this icon will be greyed out.
  2. In the Unitrends DR Runbook page, select the organization for which you want to generate a runbook.
  3. In the Configuration Filters section, select the configuration filters you would like to include or exclude in the runbook.
    Note: Use ! in your filter to exclude it from your runbook.
  4. Click Generate. If you click Cancel, you will be redirected back to the Global > Reports page.
  5. In the Assign Boot Order window, click Okay to generate a report.
    Note: Once your report is generated you must fill in the Boot Order to complete your runbook. Tip: Reboot your Database Servers before the corresponding web servers to ensure a successful reboot.

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