Copying Checklist Templates

You can copy checklist templates using the list view without having to manually copy and paste individual tasks into a new checklist template.


  1. Navigate to Account > Checklist Templates.
  2. Select the checkboxes next to the checklist templates you want to copy. 
  3. Click the arrow on the "Select All" button to access bulk actions.
  4. Click Copy.


  5. In the Copy Templates dialog box you may also select Preserve organization assignments to retain the existing organization assignments.


  6. Click Create New Templates to complete the action.

Copying from within a checklist template

    1. Navigate to Account > Checklist Templates.
    2. Click the relevant checklist template.
    3. On the top right-hand corner click Copy and select Copy Template.


    4. In the Copy Templates dialog box, you may also select Preserve organization assignments to retain the existing organization assignments on the checklist template.


    5. Click Create New Templates to complete the action.


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