Budget Report

This article will go over the features of the budget report.

The Budget Report gives you the ability to see all of the budget items for each of your clients. The items shown here are based on the recommendations created in your strategic roadmap for each client.

By default, the time frame shown is set to January through December of the current year but can be changed by selecting a From and To month and year. Please note: Clients may not initially show on your list due to the fact that they have recommendations that are not in the selected time frame.

Placing a checkmark for Advanced Features turns the budget report into a pivot table, allowing you to click and drag various fields to be shown as either rows or columns. This is helpful for sorting and filtering specific items. Removing the check from this option will show a simplified view without the ability to rearrange fields or use any filtering or sorting.

The items in the filter field of Hours and Client Feedback are not in use until they are moved to either a column or row field.

Budget (Sum) shows yearly, quarterly and monthly totals as well as a grand total below for that year as well as an overall grand total to the far right. This field should be kept in the data field area however, other fields can be moved around as needed.

The column fields of Year, Quarter, and Month allow you to drill down in a logical manner regarding the totals for those time frames.

The row fields of Client, Initiative, and Recommendation allow you to see from a high level of your client's budgets and then dive deeper into each initiative and then that initiative's recommendation(s).

Field chooser

Export to Excel

Please note: The exported file will carry any existing characteristics from the budget report. If you rows are collapsed in the budget report, they will only show as one row in Excel, and cannot be expanded.

Excel file

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