This article covers the functionality of the home page
The home page is designed to give myITprocess users insight into the most important activities for their role. Each area of the home page is made up of separate widgets that display data from myITprocess. Available widgets depend on the role of the user in myITprocess.
The Home Screen
Strategy Overview (vCIO & IT Provider Admin Only)
The Strategy Overview shows all of the budget information for clients where a user is assigned as a vCIO. You can view budget data based on all of your approved or planned recommendations by clicking the filter icon. Planned recommendations will show budget data for all recommendations not marked as rejected.
If you click open in the top right corner the side panel will open with details about what recommendations are included in those numbers.
Meetings Meetings (vCIO & IT Provider Admin Only)
Meetings will show all Client meetings scheduled in the Strategic Roadmap for the current week. Clicking open will open the full calendar in the details panel on the right.
Unassigned Findings (vCIO & IT Provider Admin Only)
Unassigned findings will show all findings that have yet to be nested into an initiative for clients where the user is the assigned vCIO. Clicking open in the widget will display the clients and the number of unassigned findings. Clicking the right-facing arrow for each client will show the findings. If you click the finding the Client Roadmap will open displaying the finding details.
Reviews Assigned to me (All Users)
This widget will display the number of reviews that a user is assigned to as Engineer or vCIO. Clicking view will take you to the all reviews page with my reviews filter set.
Categories up for review (All Users)
This lists the number of categories that have passed the reminder date set for them in the Standards Library.
IT Glue Configurations
The number of total expired configurations from all clients appears here.
Quick Access (All Users)
Quick access shows the most recent reviews that need attention from a user. For Engineers, a review will show when it is created and the user is the assigned Engineer. For vCIO's a review will show when the user is assigned as the vCIO and it has been submitted by the Engineer.
Community (All Users)
Community will show the most up-to-date posts from the myITprocess General Discussions board. This forum is the best place to talk with fellow myITprocess members and to keep up to date on everything myITprocess.
Note: Dates listed for community Items are the dates the post originated. These articles may appear out of order due to the last time a comment was made to that post.