Client Template

This article details the steps for creating customized Client Templates.

The Client Template is a more narrow view of the Standards Library with every client having specific standards about their technology. Client Templates are at the core of scheduling and completing alignment reviews. Unlike modifying sections, categories, and questions in the Standards Library, a client template involves either excluding or copying sections or categories.

Note: On client templates, you cannot exclude individual questions. Our process stresses standardization versus customization.

To customize a Client Template:

  1. Click Standards on the menu bar.
  2. Click the drop-down menu for Standards Library and select the client to edit.
  3. Hovering over a Section or Category shows the Exclude option. This will prevent it from showing in this customer-specific template.
  4. The next time you go to create a review for this client, those excluded standards will not be part of that review.

Excluding Standards

Hovering over a Section or Category presents the option to Exclude it from that client. This prevents irrelevant standards from showing up in reviews. To hide a standard, hover over it with the mouse pointer and select Exclude.




Copying a Category

In some instances, making a duplicate category is necessary for clients. For example, a category containing questions on router configuration can be copied and renamed. This is useful for customers with many locations or configurations.

To copy a category, hover over a category click the + symbol to the left of Exclude. This will create a copy of the category underneath the existing one. Next, click the pencil to the right of the category name to rename it.

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